My values

So I am back.

Having spent some time thinking. I have made a list of 'values'. 

Things that I believe are important to me. 

First I did a  'brain dump' basically its a spider's web of all the things I think are important. 

I have done this previously and it is very reflective of the time I am in. 

After that, I looked for links and connections and then I tried to put things together.

I then worked out words or phrases which encapsulated everything. 

And, this is what I came up with: a rainbow list of 'values' things which are important in my life. 

Apologies for the felt tips but I have done it on large paper so I can have it up and look at it ever day.
It's in colour of the rainbow so it helps me to remember - the colour-coding helps.  

So my next task is to decide on how that looks like in my life. How am I going to make my life look like this? How am I going to live in-line with my values?  

I have also decided that I need to look at my final 'value' - live life with purpose - 


I have always struggled with this. I thought it was to do with being a teacher. But I no longer feel that. 

So this is what I am going to think about next. 


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