
Showing posts from March, 2023

Are you over it? Have you started to move on?

  These are questions which people ask. The answer feels simple to me.  I will never be over it.  I will never move on.  But I don't want to be that person who is stuck in their grief.  Instead, I feel I am moving forward.  It's a naive point of view that all you have to do is "get through your grief"; that somehow grief needs to be gotten through to get to a set destination. But closure isn't the goal! Quite the reverse actually. Grief is a messy, complex process which needs a lot of hard work. It's exhausting and it stays with you.  Grief is individual. Some people feel better about 2 years others find after 2 years things get hard again. Other people's expectations of grief can be hard. My own expectation of what grief was and how it would pan out was hard as I couldn't match my own expectation. I was expecting to be so much 'further on' after all the firsts. Then again after the second year I felt like timehad move on, others had moved forw