
Showing posts from April, 2022

Today I was hit by a tsunami

Today I was hit by a tsunami of grief... It's just over a year since I lost my husband and I have managed to muddle through life so far. But today it hit me all over again.  I went out for the morning to a place we used to visit. A local market town where we would potter around. P would visit a little antiques shop and have a catch up with the owner as I would look at the different things in the shop. We would then go and have lunch together. It was a familiar routine.  I went to that familiar place. It's been a miserable wet day. Typical February weather for the North West. Cold, wet and miserable. But we would just wrap up and potter around together.  Today -despite being well wrapped up-  I. JUST. MISSED. HIM!!  I remembered how much I just loved spending time with him. Being together. Doing things and sharing the experience.  Today - I felt alone. I think I felt lonely.  Grief is often likened to waves.  Initially, the waves were just there all the time. I was just treading